Stay Safe - Stay Home - Stay up-to-Date - IEA Training

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Stay Safe – Stay Home – Stay up-to-Date

Covid19 We're Here
Social distancing is important for our families, our co-workers, and our communities. And right now we are part of a world-wide family
working together to mitigate the unprecedented impact of Covid19.

We know there is an undeniable impact to your business, your budget, and your career goals.  Many of you are now working from home.
Your friends at IEA stand with you in these challenging times with solutions that can help you remain focused on your future even when
the present seems uncharted.

IEA’s online and on-demand certificate and designation programs give you access to courses in the safest environment of your choice.
You can still work on your future while we all do our bit to sustain responsible social distancing.

To help with your professional development budget we’re offering 10% discount on our leading on-demand products:

Turnkey Training for Adjusters
SIP Exam Training

Simply use the code: online2020 at the checkout.

At this time we extend our best wishes to all of our customers.  Be safe and be well.