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Writing: An Essential Skill for Risk and Insurance Professionals

Business Writing for Risk and Insurance Professionals

Writing: The daily skill you use the most

What skill do you use the most each workday? In most businesses and professions, it’s writing. In fact business writing is the most essential skill you use on a daily basis.  Clear, concise writing makes your ideas easier to read and understand. According to The Harvard Business Review, one-third of  professionals write poorly.  Risk and insurance professionals are no exception. Poor writing skills create barriers between you and your readers, and between you and your career goals.

IEA’s online, self-paced course, “Writing: An Essential Skill for Risk and Insurance Professionals,” gives practical, interactive guidance to improve business writing skills with examples taken from real world experience in Risk and Insurance settings. Emphasis is on claims functions making the content especially valuable to underwriters, risk managers, as well as claims handlers who can benefit from improving claims related written communication in a non-technical way.  Valuable for new-hires as well as seasoned professionals who’s writing skills could use some polish can benefit from this training.

Course is offered in three parts and includes memory aids, light humor, and free access to short podcasts recorded by the author, making its topics and tips easy to recall and apply. Listen below to author Louis Castoria speak about the course.